Kawasaki Calendar
Kawasaki Calendar
Greeting all you great peoples. This morning I had an idea........wait..........yep I had an idea.[8D] I would like to make an 18 month or maybe a 24 month calendar that I could make into a word doc and post so you all could download it. It would be a word Doc. The calendar would be people and their bikes. And before anyone steers this in the wrong direction it would not be a babe calendar, sorry. It would be open to everyone to showcase their bike, themselves, and or both. Open to both guys and gals. Just normal pictures. With or without gear (no that doesn't mean naked) What we don't want is for this to turn into a distasteful project. Is there any interest in something like this? If it did have a mix of guys and gals it might be more likely not to be questioned by girlfriends and wives. I'm just saying. Also each person could put in what they ride, maybe just the State where they live (don't want too much personal information) and interests, but we don't want it to be an E-Harmony application either. If this sounds stupid, just say that, its OK. If you would like to be added, let me know, and perhaps send me the picture you want to use. This might be an ongoing project for a couple of weeks. What do you think? Good bad or indifferent. I just thought it would be cool to hang a calendar in the office or the garage that reflects some of the great personalities on here and you could say, "hey I know that person" I could even make the pictures smaller and add two or three for each person, showcasing what else they do. Like KK for instance. There is that great picture of her climbing and then one on a bike. That way it would be about motorcycles and more. Well that's it, if there is enough interest, we could make a couple of calendars. What up?
RE: Kawasaki Calendar
Im in..... i got a ton of pics... klxphotobucket acct.
Im in..... i got a ton of pics... klxphotobucket acct.
RE: Kawasaki Calendar
ORIGINAL: firstninjabike
good deal that would be aswesome. Maybe we should show case the ****** then go from there
good deal that would be aswesome. Maybe we should show case the ****** then go from there
RE: Kawasaki Calendar
Ok so if you are interested, send me a PM with a link to the picture you want to use, and also what you would like to have included as text with the picture. It could include what you like to do, a quote (keep it clean) or just something as simple as
Joe Blow
2003 Kawasaki Ninja
Joe Blow
2003 Kawasaki Ninja