I feel like whoring it up
haha yeah and 26 is the new 46 blah im gettin old
Damn... is that so?
haha Yeah!
Awwwww Jrock, you are not old! Your'e just stoned
Yea...Alzheimer's happens and you can't stop it. J-Rock chooses to kill his brain cells....Hello McFly......brain cells don't grow back.
haha your probably right lol
Hey My brain works perfectly fine,, Wait, does anyone know where I parked my Bike!
Hey My brain works perfectly fine,, Wait, does anyone know where I parked my Bike!
Good day to all of the mangy ****** on this website! Now, get to fockin work!!!
sorry deej. weed dosent kill brain cells, just inhibits them. any stoner can quit smoking and be back to his full intelligence (before he started smoking) in a few months. its hard stuff like meth and crack that kill your brain cells.
That right KX, booze kills brain cells!
wait what,, it does