I feel like whoring it up
RE: I feel like whoring it up
Oh well, At least I got to ***** v. 3.7. See you guys later
RE: I feel like whoring it up
Wow, I forgot it was friday night... no wonder nobody is on. Everybody is out riding (except those that live somewhere other than GA and don't have an endless riding season.)
RE: I feel like whoring it up
It's friday morning, and too cold to ride[:@]Hows it going rock?
RE: I feel like whoring it up
I'm bored as hell
RE: I feel like whoring it up
How goes it with you?
RE: I feel like whoring it up
Pretty good, I am off today (paid of course) so I am hanging around the house waiting for the black friday shoppers to go home before I venture outside.
RE: I feel like whoring it up
lol.. Glad I don't have to deal with that maddness today.
RE: I feel like whoring it up
Thats why no one is here, they are all out bargain hunting. I hate it, was a manager at radioshack last yearand it was a nightmare. Retail is an awful way to make $$, and the shack forces you to stay in peoples faces and try to sell them crap they don't need constantly. I felt like a liar the whole time I worked there. Guess I wasn't cut out for retail.
RE: I feel like whoring it up
The only time I worked retail was working at Advance Auto Parts... I loved that job. I usually got people to buy things that they may not have realized they needed, but needed all the same
RE: I feel like whoring it up
They would come in to buy a fuel filter for their cars because they were getting crappy gas mileage, when the only thing it really needed was an O2 sensor. Stuff like that.