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Old 02-22-2008, 01:09 AM
kx slaughter king's Avatar
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Default RE: Cop camera site

ORIGINAL: rocketrotary

The guy in the car would be nominated for a Darwin award
2 things:

#1)DARWIN AWARDS!! WOO!!! funny part is he was probailly trying to be badass and run for a minor violation like failure to yeild or crossing the double yellows. im gonna submit that to their ite[8D]


ORIGINAL: kx slaughter king
i personally have almost noproblem with murder
thats a pretty Fu@ked up thing to say!

#2)kill em' all and let god sort em' out.
death is like sleeping, hurts everyone else more than it hurts you.
Old 02-22-2008, 01:25 AM
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ORIGINAL: kx slaughter king
i personally have almost noproblem with murder
thats a pretty Fu@ked up thing to say!

#2)kill em' all and let god sort em' out.
death is like sleeping, hurts everyone else more than it hurts you.


What the hell are you talking about? So you wouldn't mind if I came to your house and murdered your entire family?
Old 02-22-2008, 01:30 AM
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naw, i mean people that deserve it. and the kill everyone thing was a joke, but i forgot the smiley.

probially shoulda said that earlier[8D]
Old 02-22-2008, 01:31 AM
Finger Mullet's Avatar
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Default RE: Cop camera site

My opinion on killing is basically if my life or the life of my family is in danger from another person I will do what is required to stop that person. Assuming I had a firearm, my aim would not be to kill him unless he had a gun pointed at me or my family and showed intent to use it. The comparison with how animals in nature operate doesn't apply because I am not an animal. I am a person with a soul and so is everyone else. The life we have is a gift from God and I'm reluctant to take that away from anyone no matter how they choose to use it.
Word of advice Deuce, I have a CWP and based upon my training to have such ALLWAYS Shoot Center Of's not like the movies.... your aim better be center of mass .... or you will spend the rest of your life in Prison. No shootin them in the leg....because if you were not justified to shoot...get it.
Old 02-22-2008, 01:34 AM
rocketrotary's Avatar
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You guys have to look at it from the officer's point of view. The longer that guy ran, the more chance there was of him losing control of his car and killing somebody who was minding their own business. Let's look at what could have happened if the officer didn't take out the driver when he had the chance.

Say your wife was driving home from the grocery store with your kids in the car. The officer jumped off the hood of the car, got back in his car and resumed the chase. What if that guy would have lost control of his car, and hit your wife's car, killing everybody involved. You'd be screaming at the police for letting him get away when he had the chance to end the chase. (If you're not married, then image it was your parents or your girlfriend, or a sibling... just somebody close to you)

These guys don't wear a suit and tie to the office. They wear bullet-proof vests, sidearms, and pepper spray. They don't have an easy job. They are given the authority to make these kinds of decisions because it is necessary in order for them to do their jobs, which is to Serve and Protect citizens who can't do it themselves. I would put money on the fact that the officer took no pleasure in ending that guy's life. It's something he's going to have to live with every day. Then the people he protects start bitching about the measures he had to take! I wouldn't want to be in his shoes. Are all police officers honest and upstanding guys? Absolutely not. But the majority of them are. They do a difficult and mostly thankless job, put their lives on the line to protect other people, and what do they ask in return? It's not like these guys are making huge ammounts of money. Most of them do it because it's necessary, and somebody has to do it.
Old 02-22-2008, 01:42 AM
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Default RE: Cop camera site

Nicely said rocket
Old 02-22-2008, 01:43 AM
kx slaughter king's Avatar
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couldnt of said it better myself vic.

plus ive never seen a cop shoot that many times unless it was absouletly nessacary or the suspect had a gun. and i watch alot of cops/amazing video type shows.

edit: spellin
Old 02-22-2008, 01:45 AM
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Default RE: Cop camera site

ORIGINAL: kx slaughter king

naw, i mean people that deserve it. and the kill everyone thing was a joke, but i forgot the smiley.

probially shoulda said that earlier[8D]
No problem, at least now I understand what you mean
Old 02-22-2008, 02:32 AM
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Default RE: Cop camera site

ORIGINAL: kx slaughter king

ORIGINAL: rocketrotary

If somebody tried to drive off while I was on the hood of a car, I'd have blown him away too. Don't do anything that threatens my life, or I'll take yours to make sure mine remains intact. I would have done the same thing.

Then again, I'm the guy sitting here in Iraq praying for some action, so I'm probably not the person you want to talk to about this issue.
hahaha, no, youre the best person to talk to bout it. you have weapions traning, you'd prob make the best decision outta all of us.

deuce: are you religious? because if you are i can definitly see where youre coming from.
I am religious, how does that factor into this discussion? There are consequences for the decisions we make, that is a fact. And if you do not plan on killing someone you should a weapon.
Old 02-22-2008, 03:15 AM
j_christopherhall's Avatar
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Default RE: Cop camera site

Not sure what to say on this one. There are nut cases out there on both sides of things who at one particular time or another are just itching to pull a trigger on someone(I think that's probably true with most of us -- we all have times whenwe're a little hyped up over any number of things and want to take it out on some one or some thing). But then there'rethe even bigger nutcases who spend their time and lives trying tocreate problems for other people -- they don't have lives of their own and are so bored with their own lives that all they can do is screw other people's lives over instead of having some fun in this world.They're the real problem.

That driver didn't look to me like he was trying to ram the cop at the beginning but he was trying to aggravate him to get him to chase him and cause a confrontation. Might have been one of those quasi-blue-suicide attempts(**** a cop off sohe shoots you)and he chose the right copwho obliged his request even though it doesn't look like the driver ever did anything(no visible gun pulled, etc.)other than try to **** the cop off.

I supposeif I came inyour house and started messing with your family I might expectyou to stick a shot-gun in my face and kill me but I'm neitherstupid enough or obnoxious enough to do that. That's essentiallywhat that driver was doing and he chosea cop who was apparently looking fora minor excuse to have some target practice. Apparently neither of them value life much.


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