Matching Helmet
Matching Helmet
My helmet needs to go into retirement. Anyone know where I can find a matching helmet for the 06 titanium w/tribal flames? I'm hesitant to buy online. I would like a perfect match and it is hard to tell by pics alone. None of the shops around home have a good choice. I may go with a solid black like I have or white but I would prefer one that matches the bike.
RE: Matching Helmet
I would say go with the black it will be real heard to find on to match unless you get it costume painted. here is a pic of my helmet.
RE: Matching Helmet
my fav helmet i have is actually my brothers old one. its really comfortable, anyway... it has a DARK shield on it, and its straight as long as its daytime, but whern the sun goes down you cant see **** AT ALL.. if u get one, get one thats only tinted a little IMO
RE: Matching Helmet
ORIGINAL: Donatello
I have never had anything but a clear visor. I'm concerned that my visibilty would be poor if it was dark out. How is it for you?
I have never had anything but a clear visor. I'm concerned that my visibilty would be poor if it was dark out. How is it for you?
RE: Matching Helmet
ORIGINAL: Donatello
Cool helmet. That's what I will probably do. I can see the person taking your pic in the reflection on your visor.
Cool helmet. That's what I will probably do. I can see the person taking your pic in the reflection on your visor.
The person taking the pic is my girlfriend. and as for the visor, its not to bad at night but I always ride with my high beams on!
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