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Old 03-07-2009, 12:49 AM
green242's Avatar
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I got a question.
If we compared statistics.. I know more people are going to respond that are more PRO gun vs the more anti gun people.. But, what the hell.
Do you think there are more deaths/murders/accidental gun deaths
In states/countries who's gun laws are strict
or more in places where gun laws are more flexable or less strict?

Not saying this is what I would do, but just a question.. BUT, if they tightened the gun laws all across the board, made it harder to own one, carry, and just made all around gun access very difficult, do you think murders would go UP, or Down? Or maby stay the same?
Old 03-07-2009, 01:05 AM
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Originally Posted by green242
BUT, if they tightened the gun laws all across the board, made it harder to own one, carry, and just made all around gun access very difficult, do you think murders would go UP, or Down? Or maby stay the same?
dude. listen your question is...... um, kinda retarded. if their was problems with people killin others with sticks and we took all sticks from people would deaths drop? do we need to answer this? the fact is the majority of the population here in the US dont really care about gun deaths. the reason why is that we demand the right to protect ourselves and our loved ones. also we demand the capability to overthrow tyrannical Governments if the need arose. learn history. go check out some statements from our founding fathers regarding gun control. also take a look at the alarming rate that Government over in the Uk are taking the rights of citizens.
Old 03-07-2009, 02:27 AM
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My personal experience is that I am much more likely to die on the road then around firearms. I have shot firearms for decades (starting in grade school) and I have been driving on public roads since I was 12 (semi's at 16).

In rural Oklahoma I rarely encountered a hazardous driver on public roads. People obeyed red lights, stop signs, and observed basic courtesy on the road. Most pickups had a 30-30 in the rear window and I'm not aware of one being stolen or used in moment of anger or in a crime.

Fast forward ~30 years:
Still no dangerous gun experiences. I did have a no kidding firearm malfunction but, due to proper and safe gun handling the "double" "accidental discharge" actually went into the target paper. That rifle has since been fixed. In my many years of handling firearms, I have been given and or picked up a loaded pistols but, it never was a problem because I did my manual of arms and UNLOADED THEM and kept the muzzles in a safe direction!

My experience with driving is nowhere near this good. I have been rear ended at high speed THREE TIMES!
  1. On a rain slick road, I was rear ended by someone doing 45MPH then I and was way over the posted limit. This was on a blind curve just after an underpass. When I called the insurance agent, they asked if he had wrecked his Corevette again. In this accident, he was actually driving a pickup and was late to "punch in" at work.
  2. I was stopped for a SCHOOL BUS with flashing RED LIGHTS and a deployed STOP SIGN! I was struck from behind one more time at ~35MPH. I survived this impact too.
  3. On a high speed divided median road with hard curbs during rush hour, a lady decided it was a good idea to pull out in front of two lanes of traffic to make a left turn. Since traffic was very heavy (rush hour), she could not clear my lane so I slowed to avoid T-boning her. An SUV hit me and totalled my Grand Marquis. I don't know how fast the SUV was going while she was day dreaming, text messaging or something because she hit me about 45MPH faster then I was going at the time. All this in a 50MPH zone with a car cross ways in front me in my lane.
If some of the details on those accidents don't make sense, please forgive me because I suffered head trauma in each of them and my back and neck have never been the same since.

I have also had a lot of side swipes (one on my KLX) and rear end "love" taps. I particularly dislike the "hit and runs" uninsured illegals have done to me.

I will also note that so far, I have no tickets (or points) on my driving record and no "at fault" insurance claims.

Last edited by Sid Post; 03-07-2009 at 02:34 AM.
Old 03-07-2009, 02:28 AM
Nobrakes's Avatar
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There are more deaths in backyard swimming pools than accidental shootings. So maybe we should ban backyard swimming pools. Where is the outrage from backyard swimming pools, taking unsuspecting childrens' lives on a daily basis, many just toddlers?

To your question, I'd say the number of deaths would be about the same, if not more. I bet in the UK there are a whole lot of knife deaths. But worse, when guns are banned, honest citizens become easy prey.

A gun is just a tool, like a hammer, screw driver, table saw. It's purpose is self defense, not to mention sporting uses as well, but I think the controversy is about self defense. A gun doesn't somehow make anyone kill another, but like any tool it can be dangerous if the person using it uses it carelessly. As for self defense, I don't see why others dismiss that is not a justifiable right to any individual. Why would any society deny its members such a useful tool for self defense?

Here in the US, the highest crime rates are in areas with the strictest gun laws. In areas where gun laws are not as strict, the percentage of the population that carries is actually very low, but it is enough that a criminal doesn't know whether their potential victim is armed or not and maybe thinks twice. In places like DC where gun bans are strictly enforced, you have the highest crime rates. Do you think that is a coincidence? There is virtually no deterrent. Lets face it, we're talking about criminals here, by definition they don't care about the laws and aren't going to follow them regardless. You are only disarming honest people. The result is a defenseless population that is a sitting duck and at the mercy of criminals.

A US gun ban will do nothing but create a strong black market for guns to rival that of the drug world. You'll never get rid of guns, there will be a flood of cheap guns from Mexico and every other country and criminals will always have a "connection" to get theirs. Honest citizens will be left with a kitchen knife.
Old 03-07-2009, 02:48 AM
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Originally Posted by Nobrakes
Honest citizens will be left with a kitchen knife.
Unless you live in England.

Having traveled a lot in Europe, I find European knife laws in general to be similar to the gun laws we have in the USA. Hmm, can I have a fixed blade? Locking folder? More then a 4 inch blade? Etc ...
Old 03-07-2009, 05:44 AM
JasonFMX's Avatar
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what the hell is up with that redpillar guys post?... we THINK we have the right to own guns? We DO have the right to own guys, its in our BILL OF RIGHTS...the 2nd one actually.

Our country wouldn't exist without ordinary citizens with guns. And like others have said other things kill more than gun accidents. Is there a right to drink alcohol? NO, but that kills more people than anything, we tried banning that once in the 1920's...that didn't turn out so well.

You couuld have an accident with a nail gun,.. should we take that as well?

Its called being a responsible human being.
Amateur adult video

Last edited by JasonFMX; 03-29-2011 at 08:49 AM.
Old 03-07-2009, 08:22 AM
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I agree we should be able to own guns if we want to. Just because you have a gun doesn't mean your going to go out and just start shooting people for the hell of it (unless your a crazy a**)
I have a bunch of guns at my house. I really like my smith sigma 9mm and my glock 40 cal. If you looking for protection go with the 9mm if you looking to shoot and knock some one down go with the 40 cal. it's all up to your liking.

both of my guns could be carried in concelment so it's just which one do i want to carry that day.
Old 03-07-2009, 08:44 AM
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Originally Posted by JasonFMX
what the hell is up with that redpillar guys post?... we THINK we have the right to own guns? We DO have the right to own guys, its in our BILL OF RIGHTS...the 2nd one actually.

Our country wouldn't exist without ordinary citizens with guns. And like others have said other things kill more than gun accidents. Is there a right to drink alcohol? NO, but that kills more people than anything, we tried banning that once in the 1920's...that didn't turn out so well.

You couuld have an accident with a nail gun,.. should we take that as well?

Its called being a responsible human being.
i think its actually in the constitution :P
Old 03-07-2009, 01:52 PM
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Good discussions in here guys, it is for sure one of the top 5 controversial topics that can be discussed in any venue. I just hope everyone respects each other even if they don't agree on the subject. Keep in mind that we all have at least one thing in common that keeps us coming to this place, and that is we all like motorcycles.

Last edited by deej; 03-07-2009 at 01:54 PM.
Old 03-07-2009, 02:57 PM
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Originally Posted by cliffsta

IDK... I love my O'Bama but the biggest hold-up I had when deciding to vote for him, was his and Joe Biden's stance on gun control. I believe it is my right to own a gun, and I WILL cling to my guns and my Bible, thank you very much

I believe you and all law abiding Americans are going to lose the right to own that gun with the Dem's in power. This is just going to be the beginning, no matter what they say today. Buy all you can while you can.

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