Reversing helmet lock
Reversing helmet lock
I wear a full face helmet and trying to secure it on the helmet lock is a real pain in the neck. I was thinking about flipping the lock but that would require drilling a new hole. It doesn't look like any big deal, but wanted to see if any of you have a better idea on making the silly thing usable.
On your bike is the key on the right? Kawasaki mounted this so the key is on the right and the 'C' ring (whatever it's called) opens from the right to the left. So I'm having to wedge my helmet in between the seat and the side cover to store my helmet.
I was wondering if I'm stupid or if others have had this problem and figured out a mod for it.
I was wondering if I'm stupid or if others have had this problem and figured out a mod for it.
that helmut lock wouldn't stop a 2yr old if he wanted to take that helmut. mine actually fell apart the second time i used it. you'd be better off getting a helmut cable and small padlock to secure your lid.
I got a metal extension tab that hooks through the double D-rings and it hooks into the helmet lock. However, that won't stop the Meth addicts that take a knife and cut the strap to free the helmet. I wonder when they realize they can't fence a Shoei X-eleven with no chin strap?
A cheap cable lock through the visor anchored to something solid on the motorcycle is seriously recommended if you have a good helmet or expensive helmet that you don't want to loose.
A cheap cable lock through the visor anchored to something solid on the motorcycle is seriously recommended if you have a good helmet or expensive helmet that you don't want to loose.
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