New old KLX owner
New old KLX owner
Since I've been lurking around here for quite a while now, I thought I'd take a minute to introduce myself. I bought a pretty much stock 2007 KLX250s about a month ago and it's already been a blast riding this thing!! I've already found some awesome info on this site. It's stuff that I'm pretty sure I never would have figured out on my own. So I'm going to say thanks now... and I'm sure I'll be saying that many, many more times down the road.
My main things right now are finding the manuals that I need for keep after this thing and trying to hold myself back for buying all of the awesome extras that I've seen suggested for the bike. Damn expensive hobby!!
Anyway, I hope I get to help out a little around here too, but that probably won't be for quite some time. I feel like the dishwasher in the kitchen hanging around a bunch of head chefs. You guys all seem like master mechanics at this point
So, there it is. Glad to finally be "officially" on here!!
My main things right now are finding the manuals that I need for keep after this thing and trying to hold myself back for buying all of the awesome extras that I've seen suggested for the bike. Damn expensive hobby!!
Anyway, I hope I get to help out a little around here too, but that probably won't be for quite some time. I feel like the dishwasher in the kitchen hanging around a bunch of head chefs. You guys all seem like master mechanics at this point
So, there it is. Glad to finally be "officially" on here!!
Welcome! You're in the right place. This has to be one of the best forums on the interweb. Helpful, knowledgeable members, and no smack talking. What more could you ask for? Well, I guess the odd post in the HOTD thread would be nice. Idk what the problem is there.
No smack unless you're talking about some of the crazy stuff TNC comes up with.
Have you guys heard what he's using on his air filters? Geez that guy!
Here's to the new bike!
Air filter ? By his own admission he just stuffs a gym sock down in there instead.
Besides who would believe a guy who raves about how good the CV carb is while he installs a TM36 behind our backs.
Besides who would believe a guy who raves about how good the CV carb is while he installs a TM36 behind our backs.