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Old 06-01-2010, 12:03 AM
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The environmental extremists are always fighting to limit the freedoms of others for their green religion. They're all camped out in the Democrat Party. Quit voting Democrat...

Old 06-01-2010, 04:43 AM
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democrats are bought out just as much as republicans. i mean look at the golf situation right now. obama wont do squat cus the oil companys helped him get in office. he might say otherwise, but also what happended to this "change we can believe in". if bush would have done the same, people would be up in arms, but so many people are high off the obama koolaid they say "give him time". now for "environmental extreamist" wanting LESS freedoms, you got it way wrong. most of the true activist are anarchist, and would love to have more freedoms that we do at the moment. ask event organisers that have had been beaten and there homes broken into for just using out first amendment rights. and from what i know, real activist have never shut down a riding area. this is organisations like the serria club, the army/navy/marines for bombing ranges and companys that want the land for profit, and sometimes people that flat out just dont like motorcycles of the people that ride them. please dont confuse "greenies" with liberals, democrats, or even green partiers, we hate being confused with people bought off by mega corperations and have backs like snakes. i will say this country is being green washed though. a prius does more damage than it solves, theres no such thing as clean coal, and the chemical dispercets they use in the golf are 4 times worse than just the oil it self. i do agree with quit voting democrat, but also republican, green, peace and freedom, tea(baggers) party, so on and so forth. theres a handfull of people in office that actually think about there constituents before they vote, and not there pocket books.

and while were on this, i saw you avatar and it reminded me, if obama is communist, i think marx would roll in his grave...

Last edited by punkenduro09; 06-01-2010 at 04:57 AM.
Old 06-01-2010, 06:17 AM
jacksonriding7's Avatar
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Originally Posted by punkenduro09
i will say this country is being green washed though. a prius does more damage than it solves, theres no such thing as clean coal, and the chemical dispercets they use in the golf are 4 times worse than just the oil it self..

and while were on this, i saw you avatar and it reminded me, if obama is communist, i think marx would roll in his grave...
Couldn't agree more on this. A friend suggested she was buying a hybrid... I asked her why, she had calculated that if she kept the car for over 10 years, AND the cost of gas went up to 4.50 a gallon, that she would save money over buying the gas version of the car based on her average annual miles ... While I applauded her thoughtful approach, she hadn't calculated what the cost of disposing, AND replacing that hefty set of battery cells will be, or what the additional costs of maintenance on a car with far more complex electrical issues might be. I 'hope' I talked her out of it. Hybrids are purely a green sales pitch and are not IMHO green at all. Far better off buying a simple diesel, or a well built gas car. Although, I did see a special on a car that runs on compressed air. It was pretty sweet. THAT hybrid is supposed to go like 600 miles on a few gallons of gas running a compressor, that is green.
Old 06-01-2010, 12:24 PM
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definally right. the most damaging part of the car is the shipping of all the special parts/ materials from around the world. forgot all the details but theres a top gear episode the point a few out. they also had it race around there track with a m3 chacing it (yes not real world but to simulate driving) and showed the m3 got better mileage cus the motor wasnt working near as hard. its all about how you drive, not what you drive. ive seen people in older hondas getting close to 60 mph with almost no mods (mostly the hx/vx versions of the hatch or crx)
Old 06-01-2010, 02:30 PM
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"Progressives" close down riding areas. My state has been doing it for years. At least we don't have Red Stickers yet. I've been struggling to get these people to leave me alone for years. I'm not a Republican because I think elephants are cute, it's simply the only political starting point that makes sense. Third partys put Democrats in charge and the Dem party is full of progressives that think you shouldn't be riding where Bambi lives.

I'm working to purge the Republican party of the dead weight old guard. I hope Democrats will purge their party of the maniac progressives.

Old 06-02-2010, 02:13 AM
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but elephants are cute, cuter than donkeies, at least. most the time i dont even vote anymore, most of our options suck.

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