MXGP hearing

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Old 05-28-2010, 04:06 AM
clgdswr's Avatar
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Default MXGP hearing

Dont know if anyone local has been following the horrible red tape Gary Strode has been put thru just to try to open a local self containted non public funded mx track. This track was going to open less than 3 miles from where I live 5 years ago or so. Heres a link to his opposition

Finally he will get a decision if he can open this place or not in july

Heres a picture of the site from the sky=====I dont see any houses
With Rieter pit still closed to OHV's and rumor has it will be for the rest of the year. I welcome this to the area. The town this will be located just outside of is in need of money bad. Recently there was a news story about the city not being able to afford school books. This is exactly what the city needs to boost the local economy. I know where this site is located and I in my opinion there isnt a large number of homes that would be affected by noise. But we will see how this turns out

Last edited by clgdswr; 05-28-2010 at 04:08 AM.
Old 05-28-2010, 09:04 AM
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i got half way threw a rant, but deleted it cus i dont want to start a political debate here. all i can say is keep that place open, keep johnson valley open, keep ocotillo well open, keep clear creak open, i could go for days here people. too bad most the time it doesnt happen and the ohv tax payers who PAY TO KEEP THESE PLACES OPEN AND MAINTAINED always get screwed.

also, bad name for the title, i though the usgp was getting canceled for something. to bad ill be in havasu getting my drunk on to not see it. oh well, final mx round it at pala and im soooo there.
Old 05-28-2010, 02:59 PM
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Well if they need to boost the economy have Stephanie Meyers write some vampire books and name the town you live in, It's been insane here and I hate it. Ok I know that had nothing to do with your post but it had to be said....and yes I feel better now.
Old 05-28-2010, 03:01 PM
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Oh and just for the record, no I haven't read the books or seen the movies....and I never will.

Old 05-28-2010, 03:16 PM
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Ok so I should weigh in on the whole MX track and why people seem to get so upset on these issues. Everyone in the world loves and hates something. That's just a fact of life. I mean even in the same family it's hard to get everyone to agree on everything, and really they shouldn't, that's what makes us individuals.

So when people get upset about land being used, or used in a way they disagree with, it can be monumentally impossible to change their perception of the big picture. We all like forests and nature to one degree or another. I like building with wood, and I likes me burgers and steaks and I like to drive my Diesel truck. So resources like that will always be a part of my life.

On the other hand I can understand why people want to keep the noise down and the landscape from changing into something less than desirable. I live smack dab in the middle of State land, the Olympic National Park, private and federal land. Then there is the tribal land, along with other timber companies. For every different riding area there are different rules and uses that have to be considered, and the matrix of all of that is almost impossible to keep up with or even understand.

I have a feeling that the guy that wants to build the MX track, will eventually either lose or give up, which for the local economy is too bad. Sometimes the greenies only care about one side of the situation regardless of how many people and industries are affected. That's just a known fact of the world we live in. Two opposing sides, with different agendas that will always bump heads, and yet both need each other in order to survive....kind of ironic huh? I really hope that he gets this thing passed, but the reality is it will probably be shot down before the plans are even finished.
Old 05-28-2010, 05:52 PM
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Angry about those greenies (not the kawi rider kind)

Okay, excuse my rant in advance. The 'greenie' people who are against all development in these "natural" areas should lives in the woods in a house made of mud and sticks (or in no house at all for that matter) ride a bicycle made of recycled, naturally dead wood, or should only walk in sandals made from naturally dead plants for that matter, and should eat only tree ripe fruit and vegetables, should never use hair gel or wear synthetic fibers, they should use 'nothing' made of plastic or rubber or teflon and should refuse to ride in an automobile, train, plane, or other energy consuming media, should never talk on a plastic phone, should use a sterile IV bag, you get the point ... as far as I'm concerned the people who fight all development in "natural" areas are a walking, talking, self-ignorant, hypocrite unless they live like this because EVERYWHERE on the planet is a "NATURAL" area, and they enjoy the benefits of development THEY care about, but dont want to share with other interests. Do they use the highways... what a huge amount of impermiable dangerous land that is... lets tear them all out! Do they go to malls... think of all the perfectly good natural habitat that was ruined when they put up the mall with it's huge parking lots full of impermiable ground. Do they go to the airport for travel, does their hospital use sterile plastics made from those dangerous oil reserves? (But I bet they curse like anyone else if the lot isn't big enough to find a space.) People who are against development fail to realize their own consumption and use of resources and where it comes from. Does that sound harsh, maybe, but as far as I'm concerned land is best when used and cared for responsibly, not unused at all. Ever seen unmaintained natural land, it gets unfriendly in a hurry. Am I sympathetic to someone who owns a house next door to a burgeoning MX track or race track who's property will go down in value due to persistent noise issues, absolutely, and I dont pretend to have a perfect solution to that, maybe some kind of compensation is in order, But those people have a LEGITIMATE concern. But as for greenies who fight it just because they disagree with 'land' use... they can go live in a hut in africa, walk everywhere, carry water in recycled sheep stomachs and wipe their butt with corn-cobs. At least then I'll respect them for consistency... Okay rant over, gotta get back to work now.
Old 05-28-2010, 06:13 PM
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Originally Posted by jacksonriding7
Okay, excuse my rant in advance. The 'greenie' people who are against all development in these "natural" areas should lives in the woods in a house made of mud and sticks (or in no house at all for that matter) ride a bicycle made of recycled, naturally dead wood, or should only walk in sandals made from naturally dead plants for that matter, and should eat only tree ripe fruit and vegetables, should never use hair gel or wear synthetic fibers, they should use 'nothing' made of plastic or rubber or teflon and should refuse to ride in an automobile, train, plane, or other energy consuming media, should never talk on a plastic phone, should use a sterile IV bag, you get the point ... as far as I'm concerned the people who fight all development in "natural" areas are a walking, talking, self-ignorant, hypocrite unless they live like this because EVERYWHERE on the planet is a "NATURAL" area, and they enjoy the benefits of development THEY care about, but dont want to share with other interests. Do they use the highways... what a huge amount of impermiable dangerous land that is... lets tear them all out! Do they go to malls... think of all the perfectly good natural habitat that was ruined when they put up the mall with it's huge parking lots full of impermiable ground. Do they go to the airport for travel, does their hospital use sterile plastics made from those dangerous oil reserves? (But I bet they curse like anyone else if the lot isn't big enough to find a space.) People who are against development fail to realize their own consumption and use of resources and where it comes from. Does that sound harsh, maybe, but as far as I'm concerned land is best when used and cared for responsibly, not unused at all. Ever seen unmaintained natural land, it gets unfriendly in a hurry. Am I sympathetic to someone who owns a house next door to a burgeoning MX track or race track who's property will go down in value due to persistent noise issues, absolutely, and I dont pretend to have a perfect solution to that, maybe some kind of compensation is in order, But those people have a LEGITIMATE concern. But as for greenies who fight it just because they disagree with 'land' use... they can go live in a hut in africa, walk everywhere, carry water in recycled sheep stomachs and wipe their butt with corn-cobs. At least then I'll respect them for consistency... Okay rant over, gotta get back to work now.
I agree.....100%
Old 05-28-2010, 07:25 PM
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jackson, your talking about liberals. personaly, im a believer in true anarchism (no not the sex pistols idea of making money off it, before i go any farther, i give you an idea of what it is. the native americans are a perfict example of it. they lived in small local communitys (people can live in substainable numbers and not pop out 6 kids and over populate the earth, what a thought), thats didnt need the importation of resorces (ie the united snakes), and where substainable for thousands of years (300 years to devisate a land, thats pretty sad in my eyes). if i had it my way, i was be deep in some forest, with a garden, and a hut, with NO modern tech, but with todays society this is almost impossable. you have to have a job to own land, cus first you have to buy it, then pay property taxes for it. now lets say you come across a million dollars, even then, eventually some corperation CAN take than land from you. i buy my clothes from a second hand store, im trying to make a garden big enough to supply my whole family, and would rather roads be made of dirt instead of your "impermiable ground", but guess what, they didnt ask me what i wanted, or even you, they just do what they see fit. dont want to turn this thread about keeping lands open into a political debate, but here a video of a great thinker explaining what anarchy is. not saying you going to agree with it, but showing you these "greenies" are fighting the wrong fight, its the highest 1% they should be against.

now with that out of the way, can we get back to what this forum is about... kawis.

Last edited by punkenduro09; 05-28-2010 at 07:46 PM.
Old 05-29-2010, 06:36 AM
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Originally Posted by punkenduro09
jackson, your talking about liberals. personaly, im a believer in true anarchism (no not the sex pistols idea of making money off it, before i go any farther, i give you an idea of what it is. the native americans are a perfict example of it. they lived in small local communitys (people can live in substainable numbers and not pop out 6 kids and over populate the earth, what a thought), thats didnt need the importation of resorces (ie the united snakes), and where substainable for thousands of years (300 years to devisate a land, thats pretty sad in my eyes). if i had it my way, i was be deep in some forest, with a garden, and a hut, with NO modern tech, but with todays society this is almost impossable. you have to have a job to own land, cus first you have to buy it, then pay property taxes for it. now lets say you come across a million dollars, even then, eventually some corperation CAN take than land from you. i buy my clothes from a second hand store, im trying to make a garden big enough to supply my whole family, and would rather roads be made of dirt instead of your "impermiable ground", but guess what, they didnt ask me what i wanted, or even you, they just do what they see fit. dont want to turn this thread about keeping lands open into a political debate, but here a video of a great thinker explaining what anarchy is. not saying you going to agree with it, but showing you these "greenies" are fighting the wrong fight, its the highest 1% they should be against.

now with that out of the way, can we get back to what this forum is about... kawis.
Lot's of good points. I grew up in Jackson Hole Wyoming, in a community where it's still open grazing laws (I.E. if you dont have a fence, and their cows graze your lawn... your fault, not theirs) and often thought it wouldn't have bothered me at all to have grown up in mountain man era, a lever action repeater would have been nice, but otherwise jerky, horses, trails and hand made cabins all suit my fancy just fine. I love camping and if I knew more about farming would love having my own garden. What bother's me is certainly not anyone's concern for careful land use-age, but the people who would never leave the system's cushy perks behind yet are not at all interested in sharing it with someone elses interests too.
Old 05-29-2010, 02:01 PM
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deej, you're doing a real good job of getting your post count up!!

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