Something about this bike I love. Its faster than my former DT 125 2 stroke and climbs better than my former KX 125 2 stroke. Its got low end torque which neither of them had, and its street legal. I find myself rubbing it down after every ride and admiring it from the kitchen door up on it's stand. Seems to get better with each mod, and its becomming my stress relief.. an important part of my life.
Last edited by T_i_G_e_R; 03-29-2011 at 11:24 PM. Reason: pic
no way I got to open her up in the single track sand/dirt trails.. woops... screaming thru the woods today! Very happy Im glowing with admiration for the 351 at high rpm
Something about this bike I love. Its faster than my former DT 125 2 stroke and climbs better than my former KX 125 2 stroke. Its got low end torque which neither of them had, and its street legal. I find myself rubbing it down after every ride and admiring it from the kitchen door up on it's stand. Seems to get better with each mod, and its becomming my stress relief.. an important part of my life.