Exhaust Plug
RE: Exhaust Plug
I don't know how a Muzzy spark arrestor is configured, but the Big Gun SA screen is right at the end of the opening, so a long plug that penetrates into the pipe wouldn't work.
I don't know how a Muzzy spark arrestor is configured, but the Big Gun SA screen is right at the end of the opening, so a long plug that penetrates into the pipe wouldn't work.
RE: Exhaust Plug
im pretty sure that the muzzy needs repacked just as often as the big gun... i was told about every 20 hours should be repacked, well im way past that on my big gun..... i think ill just let that be an over winter thing....
RE: Exhaust Plug
Regarding the 20 hours number, I searched on that topic back when I was trying to decide what pipe to buy and what I was told was that was 20 hours of racing, which is a lot different than 20 hours of normal road or trail riding. Under those conditions, repacking was recommended maybe once or twice a year, if that.
RE: Exhaust Plug
So I guess I am wondering what will happen if I never do anything? I mean will it get louder? Oh darn if that happens Will it start to run bad? I guess someone here needs to do a repack of the Muzzy with full step by step pictures......Anyone?............ anyone?.................. Beuler,............Bueler............
Hey I just figured out something that might be of interest. Has anyone had a post disappear before they could actually get it posted? In other words you go to search for a picture and it takes the internet connection and goes out but then when you push the back button your post is gone? Well I just figured out that if you push the reply button again your post shows up, I guess it was there all the time. I have on more than one occasion lost a post, sometimes long posts only to have to re-write them again. Just thought you might want to know, and in the infamous words of Forest Gump, "That's all I got to say about that"
Hey I just figured out something that might be of interest. Has anyone had a post disappear before they could actually get it posted? In other words you go to search for a picture and it takes the internet connection and goes out but then when you push the back button your post is gone? Well I just figured out that if you push the reply button again your post shows up, I guess it was there all the time. I have on more than one occasion lost a post, sometimes long posts only to have to re-write them again. Just thought you might want to know, and in the infamous words of Forest Gump, "That's all I got to say about that"
RE: Exhaust Plug
so um.... why did you post that? well my big gun would kick your muzzys *** ok!!! haha.. j/k [8D]