This bike works great on Ice!
This bike works great on Ice!
I was out riding at reider pit on sunday, There was about of inch of ice on all the trails at the top. The bike worked great. I didn't really loose traction unless I tried to gun it. here's a pic. (I think I may be getting obsessed with my new camera)
RE: This bike works great on Ice!
I would have to disagree with the traction thing. Is your bike stock? I think I see a Muzzy on there. I'm running D606s and they will not grab on the ice at all. If I'm lucky I can get going but most often she just spins. It could be your just a real good rider but I'll keep mine off the ice. My sons bike kicks butt on the ice though and I try to ride a little every few days. I'm getting pretty good in the snow.
BTW. Great pic. Send some of that sun over here.
BTW. Great pic. Send some of that sun over here.
RE: This bike works great on Ice!
The tires are stock, but they are mostly bald. I can post a picture of thetiresbefore the muzzy, but since then I have been tearing the heck out of them. I must be a "real good rider" (just kidding). I was able to getup to 35mphon theroad in the picon the brink of loosing control.either way it worked great and I had fun. did not crash this time. (knock on wood)