Bought new handlebar grips today. Very disappointed!
Bought new handlebar grips today. Very disappointed!
Very disappointed My bike needed some new handlebar grips so I bought some Scott stock replacement type grips.
They fit like ****! Im cutting them off tomorrow and buying something different. I'm wondering if they sold me the wrong ones? The part # is MX2, curious if it the right ones for a streetbike?
Any suggestions on what to buy? its an 03' ninja 636
They fit like ****! Im cutting them off tomorrow and buying something different. I'm wondering if they sold me the wrong ones? The part # is MX2, curious if it the right ones for a streetbike?
Any suggestions on what to buy? its an 03' ninja 636
Just as an update, I took them off and apparently they sold me the wrong ones. I went to a different shop and they sold me some stock/style replacements. Fit like a glove! Waiting on the glue to dry tomorrow and i'm going for a nice long ride in this great S.Carolina weather!!!
Just curious, what did the first place sell you; Harley grips (1")? I think the sport bike size is 7/8" if memory serves. I always had good luck with the old Gaundo or Superbike gel grips. I leave the chrome spiked jobs with sexual overtones to the hard core crowd.
Exactly what happened. If I was a jerk i'd have went back and demanded my money back, but it was partly my fault I guess.