What to do with bike/helmet once you have arrived...
What to do with bike/helmet once you have arrived...
Just wondering how everybody takes care of their bikes when they are at work or school. Do you normally bring a biker cover with you, or leave it as is? What do you do with your helmets?
Me- I normally leave my bike as is cause I am afraid the pipes will mess up the cover if I try to put it on right away, and I don't like the idea of leaving in the middle of work or class just to put the cover on after it has had time to cool.
What I have done with my helmet is I leave it on the bike (when I am at class, but not work), but I bought a 36" plastic covered cable with the hooks at end, and I run that through the helmet and lock both ends of the cable in the (poorly placed) helmet lock on the side of my ninja. Any other ideas? What have ya'll tried?
Me- I normally leave my bike as is cause I am afraid the pipes will mess up the cover if I try to put it on right away, and I don't like the idea of leaving in the middle of work or class just to put the cover on after it has had time to cool.
What I have done with my helmet is I leave it on the bike (when I am at class, but not work), but I bought a 36" plastic covered cable with the hooks at end, and I run that through the helmet and lock both ends of the cable in the (poorly placed) helmet lock on the side of my ninja. Any other ideas? What have ya'll tried?
RE: What to do with bike/helmet once you have arrived...
I ride my bike to work everyday and I have never covered my bike up, but have brought it inside the stockroom a couple of times when the weather is really bad. My helmet on the other hand always goes where ever I go, I never leave it anywhere.
RE: What to do with bike/helmet once you have arrived...
I have never covered my bike anywhere. I mean, you can even ride in the rain, so what's the difference? For the helmet, if I can, I take with me, but if not, I just hook it on the side of my bike like it supposed to be.
RE: What to do with bike/helmet once you have arrived...
wadda bout social outings like walking the mall or mini golf you lug your gear or lock it to your bike i usually lug it around but wish i had a secure solution
RE: What to do with bike/helmet once you have arrived...
In that case, I'll usually lock the helmet to the bike and stuff the gloves in it, but I'm pretty much stuck lugging the jacket. Just the price you pay I guess
RE: What to do with bike/helmet once you have arrived...
I have locked my jacket to the passenger side helmet lock before if carrying it wasn't an option. Very few times though, because if they wanted it they would just need to cut it off. It's all about making yours a little tougher to get than the other guys stuff. The old risk vs. reward thing definitely applies here.
RE: What to do with bike/helmet once you have arrived...
i got a 5ft cable i can run through the sleve and helmet and lock to rear wheel but u gotta put ur jak on the ground get grease on ya cuz u always end up touchin chain and ive nicked the rear wheel with the stupid cable so i try not to do that anymore guess i could find a better anchor point