Ordered Nelson Rigg Saddle bags + Tail bag today
Ordered Nelson Rigg Saddle bags + Tail bag today
If there is one downfall to riding, it's the lack of storage. I already have three different tank bags of different sizes, and my handy Icon backpack, but I need more room! That's why I just ordered the Nelson Rigg CL-950 deluxe saddle bags, and their CL-150 tail bag. As I see it, now, I'll be able to haul groceries home without having to drive the car, and I will also have ample storage if I want to take a road trip (Woohoo!). The Nelson Rigg bags are much larger than the Cortech sport bag series which seem to be more popular with the street bike crowd. I just hope they're not too big. Once I get them, I will post up some pics for you all.
RE: Ordered Nelson Rigg Saddle bags + Tail bag today
Nice color red!You'll be able to pull some mad wheelies now. Seriously, they look good,fit the bike well and with the price of gas this summer you can go to the grocery store.
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Sponsor Group And Special Buys
06-15-2005 10:08 PM