Locking the front wheel with key
Locking the front wheel with key
I just bought this bike to learn on and was really excited that I could lock the front wheel with my key. I work at a junior high and obviously worry about theft. However, I can't get the thing to lock. I was wondering if anyone else had this problem or if I was doing something wrong. I put the key in and it turns a little but doesn't seem to get all the way to where it needs to.
Any help would be appreciated!
Any help would be appreciated!
I was having the same issue, I couldn't figure the front wheel lock out. Then I found an owner's manual online and the answer.
You turn the handle bars all the way left, put the key in the lock and push in, while pushing in, turn the handle bars back right slightly and when it's properly aligned it will push in a bit farther. At which point you can turn the key and it's locked.
Hope that helps.
You turn the handle bars all the way left, put the key in the lock and push in, while pushing in, turn the handle bars back right slightly and when it's properly aligned it will push in a bit farther. At which point you can turn the key and it's locked.
Hope that helps.
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